Step Up for Women Construction Pre-apprenticeship Alumni: Cassidy Jarrett


What were you doing before enrolling in Step Up Construction For Women?

Nothing. I was working at fast food restaurants. My mom works in construction, so I thought about entering the trades because of her example and because I am interested in the work as well.

How did you find out about Step Up? What made you decide to enroll?

My grandma researched trade schools in the area since she knew I was interested in pursuing training. However, the closest school was a two-hour drive away from home. Thankfully, my grandmother found out about WV Women Work’s Step Up program which allowed me to receive training in the trades at no cost, and I was able to do it at a location closer to home.

What was your favorite thing about participating in Step Up?

Honestly, I think I most enjoyed the connection I had with everyone. I love doing construction projects, but my favorite part was getting to know my teachers and fellow students. Everybody was so kind and welcoming on my first day here, and I really appreciate the friends I made in class. I have a couple of friends that I know I’ll have for the rest of my life.

Did you have a favorite class project or anything you truly enjoyed learning?

We made a chair out of pipes, but it’s more than just a chair—it was a push-up machine that performed multiple functions. I thought that was pretty cool.

What do you want to pursue now that you’ve graduated?

I have been interested in underwater welding for a while now, but I’m also concerned about the danger associated with that particular job, so I’m carefully weighing the risks and benefits of that field. I am also interested in becoming an electrician. We learned so many things in class, and all of it was interesting and fun. It’s difficult to pick just one thing.

Do you have any advice for others who might consider enrolling in Step Up Construction For Women?

I definitely recommend it! This program teaches you a lot. There were so many times in class when we started working on a concept that was totally new to me, and I was able to learn it quickly because the staff was so helpful and did a great job teaching it.  

Interview conducted, transcribed, and written by Marlynda Arnett, Program Innovation Leader for West Virginia Women Work.

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