Skilled trade nontraditional career for women

Mission Statement

Support and advocate for education, employment, and economic equity of all women.

What We Do

West Virginia Women Work, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, strives to help women in West Virginia earn a living wage. The primary focus of the organization’s activities is to help women explore, train, and secure employment in nontraditional occupations, especially the skilled trades. WVWW provides support programs, career coaching services, education services, and workshops to prepare women for employment in high skills, high wage nontraditional careers. We provide job skills training programs to prepare women for promising careers, while simultaneously helping employers create a work culture that better facilitates women’s success.

WVWW provides a wide range of technical assistance services for apprenticeship programs, employers, and training providers. Our technical assistance includes EEO Planning, Best Practices Trainings, diversity recruitment & retention services, and customized workplace training. We can help organizations create a work environment that promotes inclusion and respect.

Woman working in machine shop skilled trade

Our Core Values

We hold ourselves and our partners to the highest ethical standards. We model behavior within our organization that reflects the sisterhood, workplace, and society we desire for all women. We expect and require honesty, fairness, integrity, respect, kindness, and personal responsibility from all.


We promote an equitable workplace and society by building authentic partnerships and creating inclusive communities. All individuals have the right to mutual respect including full and unbiased access to livelihood, education, and participation in the community.


We empower women by promoting a sense of self-worth, providing the freedom to explore nontraditional roles, and providing pathways to nontraditional careers. The full participation of women in the workplace and in the larger community makes for a stronger nation.


We provide education, training, and professional development for women in a multitude of ways. Access to education is a fundamental human right and we encourage women to explore opportunities in nontraditional employment and education pathways.


We enrich the lives of women by providing education, empowerment, solidarity, and support networks, all of which encourage them to make a positive difference in their lives and strengthen the community. We believe sisterhood fosters real change in the lives of women.

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