PPE isn’t One Size Fits All
When it comes to Personal Protective Equipment(PPE), one size does not fit all. Especially when it comes to women, PPE needs to fit properly. It can be a challenge when the majority of PPE is designed for men. Women are put at risk when having to use ill-fitted safety gear. There are a couple of […]
What Qualifications are Needed for a Pre-Apprenticeship?
A pre-apprenticeship might be the right choice for your next career move. Maybe you are wondering if you have the right qualifications. Wonder no more: I will explain what most pre-apprenticeships want in a potential participant. Over the age of 18 Pre-apprenticeships usually involve a skilled trade of some sort. They will have safety and […]
What is WVDOH’s OJT Program and How do I Participate
OJT is a joint program between the Federal Highway Administration and the West Virginia Department of Transportation with the goal of addressing the underutilization of women and minorities in the highway construction field by offering training opportunities to learn the necessary skills. The OJT program is not intended, and shall not be used, to discriminate […]
How to Get More Women into Skilled Trades Positions and Increase Retention Rates
Skilled trade careers provide workers with higher earnings and many benefits such as healthcare and retirement savings options. Yet even with these benefits men still outnumber women in these positions 20 to 1. Here are a few ways of getting more women into skilled trades positions and increasing retention rates. Outreach/Recruitment Plan to Get More […]