Why Women are More Likely to Live in Poverty 

Women make 82 cents for every dollar a man makes.

There are several reasons why women are more likely to live in poverty, but the number one reason is that women get paid less than men. Even when they have had the same training, women only earn on average 82 cents for every dollar, a man earns. This is referred to as the Gender Gap.

Other reasons that contribute to this pay discrepancy include women getting pushed into low-wage retail or service jobs that offer part-time hours. There’s no paid time off when their children are sick or need to go to the doctor. Women are forced to take unpaid days off from work. Due to caregiving and other unpaid obligations, women lose disproportionately more time from the workforce and consequently have less work experience than men. 

Gender-based pay discrimination is still very prevalent, even though being illegal. Employers will ask about previous low-wage jobs. They will then use those figures and pay the women less than their male counterparts. They might even offer a few cents more on the hour, so it seems like they are getting a better offer. This is just a way of continuing the Gender Gap cycle.

Women may be completely unaware of the wage gap due to employers discouraging talking about pay between employees. Employers will overlook women when it comes time for a promotion. They will go with the male who doesn’t have to take time off from the job to deal with family and children.

Women are more likely to live in poverty due to a lack of savings. They are already working fewer hours than men, so that means fewer wages and benefits. They are quite often the sole provider for their family. Not only that, but they live paycheck to paycheck and are barely making ends meet. This leaves nothing left for savings.

When an emergency happens, they have to use credit cards with high-interest rates. They are paying more in housing costs, whether it’s in the form of rent or a mortgage they were overcharged for, simply by being a woman.

Disabilities are twofold when it comes to women living in poverty. Women with disabilities face additional barriers to gaining employment. They are more likely to find employment in a lower-wage job if they can find a job. These jobs usually don’t include health insurance or any workplace protections like sick days. Lack of health care leads to worsening of the disability and eventually an inability to work, or they are terminated for missing too many days. 

West Virginia Women Work is trying to make a change and stop the cycle of women living in poverty. By offering training in a nontraditional field, women will have an opportunity to make an average of $4.00 more on the hour. Many of the jobs offer benefits, such as health insurance, sick days, and additional training. 

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