RCBI to Offer CNC Machining Bootcamps

Photo by Opt Lasers from Poland: https://www.pexels.com/photo/purple-and-white-electronic-device-7254410/

The U.S. has an abundance of manufacturing jobs right now and not enough people to fill them. RCBI is hoping to change that with a series of boot camps. The CNC Machining Bootcamp is part of an initiative through ACE(America’s Cutting Edge) which is a U.S. Department of Defense-funded program. The hopes are that this program will attract a diverse pool of participants from all different backgrounds while ensuring existing machinists have the tools and skills needed to work with the latest technology and techniques.

The CNC Machining Bootcamp will have two components. The first will be an online portion that should take about six hours to complete. The next part will be a one-week, in-person, hands-on instruction. This will take place at RCBI’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center located in Charleston and Huntington, WV. They also have partner centers located in Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia.

Anyone who lives, works, or attends school in West Virginia, Ohio, or Kentucky is eligible to attend the BootCamp. There are no prerequisites for the CNC Machining Bootcamp. Participants do not need any prior experience. The BootCamp participants will be grouped by their experience level. This will allow everyone to get the most benefit from the program. The BootCamp is 100% FREE for all participants.

West Virginia Women Work will be offering the opportunity for participants of the BootCamp to enroll in our PartnerUp Mentoring Program. The program is designed for unemployed or underemployed women that want to explore education and employment opportunities. Women that enroll in the program will be assigned a mentor from our organization that will work with them to create a customized plan that identifies barriers, education goals, and job possibilities while networking and building connections. 

To register for the CNC Machining Bootcamp visit https://www.rcbi.org/cnc-bootcamp-registration/. *Make sure to put West Virginia Women Work(WVWW) in the line that asks for Company, Organization, or School. Once you have been accepted be sure to apply for your spot in our PartnerUp Mentoring Program.

If you have any questions about the CNC Machining Bootcamps contact Carol Howerton, RCBI’s senior strategic advisor for workforce development, at carol.howerton@rcbi.org or 304.781.1680.

If you have any questions or would like more information about West Virginia Women Work and our programs, visit westvirginiawomenwork.org or email info@wvwomenwork.org.

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