PPE isn’t One Size Fits All 

Woman in proper fitted PPE

When it comes to Personal Protective Equipment(PPE), one size does not fit all. Especially when it comes to women, PPE needs to fit properly. It can be a challenge when the majority of PPE is designed for men. Women are put at risk when having to use ill-fitted safety gear. There are a couple of main reasons this occurs. One being Employers often don’t have a lot of women working for them, and they don’t bother to spend the time or money to find PPE for women. They assume the women will use what they already have available. 

Another reason is finding properly sized PPE for women can be difficult. The companies employers usually order from might not carry PPE for women. If they do offer it, they might only have limited sizing. Since there are traditionally not a lot of women in fields that require PPE, it isn’t very profitable for companies to offer vast selections. 

Often Employers don’t think there is a difference between men’s and women’s PPE. This is the furthest from the truth. There are many differences. One is, that women’s PPE is more form-fitting than a man’s. They need PPE that fits their body so there isn’t loose material to get caught in machines or equipment. It should also allow for a full range of motion without being too loose or tight. Men’s PPE has broad shoulders, wide necks, longer sleeves, and narrow waist/hips. These features are great for men but put women at a safety risk. Women just can’t use a size down in men’s PPE. It’s not the sizing but the way the garments are designed. 

With more women joining the workforce for nontraditional jobs, companies that make PPE see there is a need for change. They are making better design choices when it comes to women’s PPE. There are more places to order women’s PPE. Employers need to get on board and have a bigger range of sizes for women that they employ. PPE should never be altered to fit a woman. Alterations can make the item unsafe.

If you are a woman and your employer doesn’t carry proper sized PPE for you, speak out. Everyone deserves to be safe. 

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