What Qualifications are Needed for a Pre-Apprenticeship?

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A pre-apprenticeship might be the right choice for your next career move. Maybe you are wondering if you have the right qualifications. Wonder no more: I will explain what most pre-apprenticeships want in a potential participant.

Over the age of 18

Pre-apprenticeships usually involve a skilled trade of some sort. They will have safety and insurance policy requirements. These are the reasons for the age requirement. If you are under 18 and think a pre-apprenticeship is something you are interested in, check out their qualification requirements. Make sure you have met them so you can begin shortly after your eighteenth birthday.

GED or High School Diploma

Most pre-apprenticeships will require you to have your GED or high school diploma. They may have exceptions if you are willing to work on getting your GED during the program or you agree to take a test designed to measure your math and reading skills. 

Valid Driver’s License and Reliable Transportation

Apprenticeships, on-the-job training programs, and employers will require a driver’s license and a reliable form of transportation. The pre-apprenticeship is meant to prepare you for the next steps in your career and will have similar requirements. You have to show you can get to the training the same as you would a job. Additionally, pre-apprenticeship programs can often recommend services that will be able to assist with these barriers.

Able to Pass a Drug Test

As I mentioned earlier, most pre-apprenticeships are for skilled trades. They can involve dangerous work at times. You must be free and clear of any illegal substance. All apprenticeships, on-the-job training programs, and future employers will require drug testing. They can’t take the risk of endangering their employees or their company’s reputation.

Sufficient Physical Fitness Level

Trades jobs will require a decent amount of physical labor. You need to be able to stand for long periods, lift heavy items, climb up and down ladders, etc. Your body needs to be able to handle this type of work daily.

Willing to Put in the Time and Effort

Finally, jobs in the trades can be difficult. They can require long hours and hard physical labor. In return, they offer higher wages and many benefits. You have to be willing to show up and put in the work. 

Different pre-apprenticeship programs will have additional qualifications for their programs, but these are pretty standard. A quality pre-apprenticeship will have support services to help overcome any barriers to meeting the qualifications.

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