“I came to WVWW with little confidence in myself. Now after the program I’ve become hopeful for my life. WVWW has taught me that I am valued and hard-working. They gave me the confidence that I can do any job I take on.”
“We need programs such as West Virginia Women Work to build a better future for WV. This program only exists because of grants and private donations. I’m asking that you please help support our program. It has changed my life as well as all the women in my class.”
“Before this program, I wasn’t getting anywhere in life. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, let alone how to do it. From day one of the program, there was nothing but support, excitement, and encouragement. Because of the Step Up program, I am ready to take control of my life and now know I can do anything I put my mind to.”
“The staff at WVWW is wonderful. They figure out where you are in life and where you want to go and they don’t let anyone fall behind.”
“The 12-week program has had a huge impact on me. Entering the trades is not something that I could imagine doing as a female without the help of West Virginia Women Work. Thanks to the program and staff I have gained considerable knowledge that I can use beyond job hours. I have also gained the confidence to be independent. This has had a major positive impact on me and I will continue to refer others into the program.”
“This program was a second chance. I might really get more in life, to help provide and pass down to my son. It has been very empowering to know what I have been able to accomplish during the program.”
“This program has given me many great opportunities to learn trade skills, plumbing, HVAC, basic electrical, carpentry, resume & interviewing skills. It also gave me the confidence I never knew I could have. My support for this program is abundant. The skills and confidence you gain can not be measured.”
“WVWW’s program has been extremely informative and resourceful for students like me to attend. Not only have I been able to establish quality connections personally and professionally, but with the education they have provided us we have been able to push our boundaries to extend our abilities and goals. This program has become a home in a way a librarian falls in love with their library.“